And that's okay!
Because (and I know that I'm not "technically" supposed to start a sentence with 'because'. But I will anyway, because we're friends). Because that's just how life rolls...and if it's one thing I've learned through past trials and tribulations: don't force it.
So I'm not.
(But that doesn't mean that you STOP all together or give up - no, no, no - not at all.) In the end, we take the good times with the bad and simply roll with it. Which is exactly what I'm doing.
So now, I'm literally - just hanging out. Waiting for the symphony to start up again (yea yea yea!) in a few short weeks, looking forward to a few camping trips (yea yea yea!), and training for this awesome half marathon (yea yea yea!).
On the training front - I'm back to zone 1 and zone 2 only (mixed with the occasional 30-second burst of speed OR hill). I'm not bored - grateful for the ability to run and train the way I want (mostly!).
However. But. However.
I'm convinced that zone 1 and zone 2 are the "purgatory" parts of training - you're just there. Zone 3, things are heating up, zone 4 you feel like you're in hell, and anything harder than that - well, my friends, it hurts so much that, by that point, endorphins have kicked in and hallucinations of the Pearly Gates may dance across your vision.
But that's just me.
Yesterday I did my longest run-to-date (well - since Kona last year and then this year of continual illness. Ugh). It was a 1 hour and 45 minute monstrosity. And I just did it. Ever have those days? Silly me - of course you do.
The run just needed to get done: It didn't have to be pretty, I didn't need to over-think the darned thing.... it. just. had. to. get. done.
Just 1:45 of putting one foot in front of the other.
Heading south down Pacific Coast Highway from Carlsbad to Leucadia, I felt like I had to force it... I felt slow (okay - I was going slow, but s-l-o-w-e-r), and the time that it took me to reach one geographical feature to another seemed infinitely longer.... even though (according to my watch) - I was going at my normal space.
Somewhere Einstein just smiled and muttered, "Relativity, Marit."
But I told myself that - as long as I could get through the first 1:25 (don't laugh) - the final 20 minutes would be GREAT.... I would hit that runner's high, endorphins would kick in, and all that other good stuff. No hallucinations of heaven (thank goodness - because after everything this year, I'm not sure I want to experience that!), but those final 20 minutes did feel pretty darned good.
Somewhere Jen just smiled. But I have no idea what she would say.
And finally - because at this point the cat is out of the proverbial bag - my living room looks like a scrapbook store threw up. For real. Part of me is embarrassed to admit it. Because (whispered) I'm not the scrap-booking type. Seriously people, I'm not.
I'm an artist.
(And yes - you can laugh all you want).
But, between the packets upon packets of stickers, different colored paper, photos, newspaper clippings, hole punchers, staple removers, various types of writing utensils, and (the kiss of death) - the paper cutter - I think I'm getting dangerously close to crossing that fuzzy line from "creative" and "artistic" into "scrapbook-er."
In my defense, it's a birthday present for Someone Special. And as that Someone Special was either on duty or flying all last weekend, that Someone Special has no clue. But there were a lot of people who contributed something special for Someone Special - and I would just like to say THANKS (you know who you are). So by the time he gets home this afternoon, my living room will no longer look like this:
Yes, cringe all you want. It looks like a paper store exploded.
And with that, I need to attend to my "project". And then do some violin work of my own - September is just around the corner... and I can hardly wait.
Here's to getting the job done, plodding through, and keeping it real. Congratulations to ALL who raced last weekend. AND the families and friends of those who raced - because in order to do the things we want with this amazing sport, the support of friends and families is instrumental.
Oh, and House Monsters - yes, those as well.