In no particular order....
(cue harp dream music)
- Even though I had fun in Kona, I am SO happy that I'm not racing the Ironman. But that's today. Tomorrow.... well - tomorrow I'm sure that I'll wish I could be running down Ali'i drive. Alls I can say kids: LOVE it while you live it, because you never know how or when life will change. I'm not mad or upset - sure I'm a little sad... but that's just because there are many aspects of the sport that I miss. And given everything that's happened, I think that's a pretty normal response.
- I have a sneaking suspicion that Shitty Kitty is allergic to wheat. Is that even possible in a cat? Low and behold, I changed up her food from Science Diet to some Organic Cat Stuff (written while rolling my eyes), and no more projectile cat vomit.
- I nearly drove off the road when I heard the public radio commercial advertising the season opener of the La Jolla Symphony Orchestra. Holy Cow - that's me!! Well - me and 150 of my closest orchestra friends.
- It is a truth universally acknowledged, that the minute you buy a bag of coffee beans from a coffee shop - you see the same bag of beans on sale for $5 less at your grocery store.
- A slice of Minnesota is coming my way! Good friend, fellow blogger, and Jen Harrison athlete-extraordinaire Julia, is in town racing "Best of the US" up in Mission Viejo on Sunday. Sure, I'm excited to watch her race - but when she asked if I wanted anything from home - my response? A Pearson's Nut Goodie, please. Clearly - you can take the girl out of Minnesota, but you can't take Minnesota out of the girl. And she's bringing a salted nut roll for Nathaniel. We are BOTH excited!
- My cankle is going down! Yes, it's been a very very gradual process.... but still! Blowing out every vein in one's leg by growing a massive series of clots is NOT conducive to award-winning ankles. Or limbs. I've come to terms that I will never be a Leg Model - not that I was ever planning on it, but I always kept my options open. Hopefully you can detect the self-deprecation in there. Anyway....there's less cankle and more definition in the ankle/lower leg region. Fantastic!
- When a friend asks if you want to swim with her - even though the workout entails 4400 meters of "fun" stuff - you don't think twice. And I think that's the biggest difference of the Me from this year, versus the Me from last year. At this point in my life - training is a joy on the days I feel healthy enough to do it. For me - that's all that matters and makes all the difference in the world. Funny pictures and all.

Here's to taking life a little less seriously, enjoying what you have while you're doing it, and embracing the challenges! GOOD LUCK to everyone this weekend - my thoughts will be with you all.... Swift Wings my friends!
HAVE a great time with Julia today!!! HOW FUN!!!! And, wish I could watch you play in the orchestra too.
Totally love it! Love this sentence too, "Here's to taking life a little less seriously, enjoying what you have while you're doing it, and embracing the challenges!" LOVE IT!
Have a great weekend!
Hey have fun with Julia this weekend.
So glad you had such a great time with Charisa. And honestly, some times when I would hit a really low spot I'd just remind myself how lucky I am and how much you and my friend Scott (incredibly healthy bad ass cyclist who had to have open heart surgery) would kill to be in my spot and I just needed to get over myself. You are an inspiration.
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