Hey there! Hello! How've you been?
It literally feels like f.o.r.e.v.e.r since I've been on the computer, blogging or checking in on the dreaded book of face.
Reason why?
My Mom is in town, and we've been busy. Correction: I've barely been keeping up with her, weather its shopping for plants, playing with the kitties, practicing writing, cooking, hot tubing, driving up (and then down Palomar - WOW it hardly takes any time at all when you're driving up!), spending the day in Julien, or wine tasting - the past few days have really passed by quickly.
And then there's this race that I've got, just around the corner... Ssssshhhhhh! Don't say it too loud - otherwise I'll have to admit that it's here!
In all reality, I'm excited beyond belief. I GET to race Oceanside (all of us, please collectively knock on wood - thank you!), and the entire time will be a celebration for me. Well - as celebratory as hitting zone 8F while climbing some big hills can be.
But I'm also nervous. A few weeks ago (when I was having my first OH-MY-GOSH-I'LL-BE-RACING-SOON!-moment ), I told myself that I shouldn't be nervous until race week....Or a full 7 days before the race.
Race week arrived, and I told myself to NOT be nervous until Monday or Tuesday.
Monday hit, and I reminded myself to WAIT to get nervous until Wednesday...
Now it's Wednesday, and I'm refusing to let the pre-race jitters REALLY hit until Thursday or Friday. Then (if memory serves me correctly - because as we ALL know, its been a while), by race morning, I'll be fine. In that place of 'no return' I guess. Resolved to race, ready to push, happy to be out there.
Yeah, Thursday and probably Friday will be the worst. I'll wait to be nervous until then...
But really, I have to remind myself that the work has been done, the framework has been laid. I've finished the work, deposited more pain tokens than I care to count - and now it's just about going out there and having a blast.
And I can't wait.
Am I nervous? Hell yeah!
But more so, I'm excited. I get to do this... I can't wait to see what I can do. In every previous half ironman that I've done (including Clearwater), I've always dreaded the swim and the bike, never really believing that 1) I could "race" my bike for 56 miles and 2)the race didn't really start until the run segment.
Then I changed coaches, changed my training, changed my life...
And now things are much different. I know what it feels like to hang on to the feet of people who are stupid fast (and speak a different language) - does this mean I'll swim faster? Who knows? But I certainly know what it feels like to push myself in the pool for the first time.
And, I'm no longer scared shitless at the idea of "racing" 56 miles on the bike. Yes, Jen has figured out a way to make me work HARD - and be comfortable with going FAST during the bike leg. I've simply spent a lot more time, and doing a lot more quality work than ever before on my bike.
Plus, I love my bike, and more importantly LOVE my saddle (THANK YOU ISM ADAMO - best friend of bikers all around!). The fact that it's pink - well, I'll just spot it easier in transition.
To be continued.... I suppose. That is, if I survive the time with my Mom.
Now where is she???
19 hours ago
Wow, it's almost here. Good luck Marit. I know you don't need it as you will be rocking out there. And I will be peeled to my computer wiating for race updates.
I'd say "good luck" but you don't need any of that! You are ready to rock!!! Can't wait to see you out there. And see how far you've come. And how healthy and happy you are. Here's to blowing away what you thought was possible :)
You've got what it takes, just do it! Nerves are good, go with it! We're cheering for ya!
Marit you will do great! Let yourself race and race YOUR race and you will finish with a smile and I am sure, a great result!
I love my saddle too...Mine is red and matches my Salsa but good to know they come in pink just in case the Scott Plasma works out:)
Have a great race this weekend!! The nerves will all be horrible until the gun goes off... then NO MORE NERVES! :)
SO excited for you! Good luck girl - you've got it all deposited, go get your race!!
YOU COULDN'T be more READY! :) See you on Friday!!!
I wish I could be there to cheer everyone on with Cat, but I'll be busy chilling out in the snow - that's right we got more Snow today.
Have a wicked Oceanside!!!
Woohoo! I'm so excited to track you and hear all about your big race!!!
Have a GREAT race (I know you will!) and enjoy every minute! I'm so excited for you :)
You are going to kick some serious arse! Love the mom stories - mine has been gone for ~10 years. Squeeze yours extra tight. Mom's are great - sounds like she's got you hopin!
good luck marit i know you are ready! you are going to rock it :) Ps i love the pink ISM seat too!!! And thank you so much for the encouragement. You are so right about the emotional battle. It's definitely the worst. There's so much more I want to talk to you about. I'll have to send you an email later this week.
I wish i could come watch you all race! Make me proud :)
I'm glad I'm not in your AG...
Go Speedy!
So excited for you Marit! Thinking of you and loved your post. No being afraid.. you are ready, you can do this my friend! It will be a fun day, an exciting day and I cannot wait to cheer at the computer for you and Beth & everyone!! You get to race! Yes!!!
I am SO excited for you! GO MARIT!!!
Yeah! Time to race. How exciting!
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