That aside - thanks to everyone out there! Hope that the Tri-Bloggers Swim Challenge is going GREAT to all who started their swims today. I myself have a beast of a swim tomorrow - but its not the 40 X 100s that I was hoping to accomplish for my challenge... I'm sure that Coach Jen has something up her sleeve, though...
Overall, today was most excellent. I wish I could be "brilliant" or come up with something totally original to write about - but I can't. I am in chocolate overload, and the (not one, but) two glasses of wine that I've consumed have gone to my head. (Even though I love wine, I really don't drink much - except for on special occasions). Nathaniel made the best brownies ever... and with each batch he whipps up, they taste "muy delicioso!" (horrible spelling - sorry!)
After completing my workouts, getting a hair cut, and returning from Barnes & Noble, Nate and I settled in with our dinner, wine (for me, the poor guy has a 6 am brief, so he stuck with Diet Coke! He can't drink 12 hours before a flight), and lots of chocolate. Iron Chef, Battle Chocolate was on - and we had a great time laughing, joking, wadgering bets on the chefs, and simply spending fun time together.
(FYI: Iron Chef Cat Cora was defeated by some young whipper snapper who utilized various elements of molecular gastronomy. Yeah. Now I really feel old.)
Fantastic Valentine's Day AND birthday... and the fun just won't stop!
Sunday, I've got my race (hurrah!) - and the we're going out for Sushi! (yum). To be continued...
And I'll leave you with this: a most excellent photo of yours truly, multitasking. Please note - I have a hard enough time talking on the phone and concentrating on other things as it is... In this miraculous photo, I'm actually talking on the phone while simultaneously unwrapping a present from my Mom (who is pretty liberal with the tape). Very talented indeed.
Incredible folks. As I'm a klutz with two left feet, me + phones + any other task = certain disaster. (I've had friends who can ride their bike and talk on their phone at the same time. Yikes! I have a hard enough time driving my car and talking on the phone. The phone and bike thing would equate to a broken leg or broken bike on my part....) Anyway...we know it happened tonight... here's the proof! (And Mom and Dad: I LOVE the rugby top - thanks!)

If you looke really close, you may even catch a glimpse of The House Monster. Always lurking...
Happy Valentine's Day to You and Yours.
i see tabitha! makes me so happy because i can never find Waldo!
Marit! Glad you had such a great birthday/V-day. Nate is lucky - he can kill 2 birds with one stone on Feb 14th! :) Anyway - hope the monster swim challenge goes well today! Thinking of you!! :)
Oh, don't fret, the Monster swim challenge will be next week! And, Jerome and I watched IRON CHEF last night - chocolate edition - last night as I sat eating the M&Ms Jerome got me for Vday. :) Glad you had a great day! eeks! Jen H.
Happy birthday, I was going to get you that exact rugby shirt, now that I know you already have it I'll just "re-gift" it to someone else.
I'm sorry to say but Cat Cora is the weaker of the Iron Chefs,
Yes! Very cool that we're both racing a 1/2 m this weekend. I'll "send" you any energy I've got left on Saturday night... you'll do AWESOME on Sunday. Let's kick some butt together. HTFU in SC and FL.
friends don't let friends drink-and-blog! just kidding, sounds like it was a great day.
i'm tempted to join this swim challenge thing, even though i've made a solemn promise to myself not to swim hard until March (mostly because i really don't like swimming here at altitude), but we'll see...
you, a klutz?!?!...shocking.
my parents called when I was on the rollers last night. I almost tried answering the phone without stopping - THAT would've been a disaster.
Good luck for your 1/2 marathon..I believe it is this weekend...Good, speedy vibes sent your way :) Go and kick some booty!!!
I know you'll do awesome this weekend! Have fun and be safe!
BTW: I need to borrow the house monster! I may have a little mouse in the house!! AHHHH!!
I was thinking exactly what Pedergraham was thinking... tabby is like Waldo, hiding everywhere!
Maybe you can make an entire post of photos of Tabby hiding in them!
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